Friend has had a CB+ for about a week now but yesterday they started getting phantom touches while browsing websites (shaking or random presses).Samsung Chromebook Plus Phantom Touches
It acts as if someone would use the trackpad extensively while I don’t do anything. Seems it is falsely registering input all the time. Restart fixes issue for some time. Then randomly starts again. What is happening, and how can I fix it?Chromebook plus touchscree-issue
Does anyone know of a fix for the Samsung Chromebook Pro phantom behavior, starts clicking various areas of the screen by itself and you can’t even get to the shutdown command, have to hold the power button for a hard reset?
This behavior is exhibited in guest and incognito mode. Powerwash or recovery do not resolve the issue, Device is running v58 on stable channel.
Seems to happen most after going into tablet mode, but can also occur when opening tabs as a window. Returning to laptop mode doesn’t help without a shutdown. Have stopped using tablet mode altogether and do not run Android apps (yes, that was the point of the purchase, but the phantom behavior ruins the experience) Also seems to be more prevalent when in hot environments, less so in air conditioned areas.
Samsung Chromebook Pro “phantom behavior” fixes
[…] 前回、SamsungのChromebook Proを購入したのだが返品したのでパソコンがほしいなと思っていた。Google Shoppingでいい値段のものがないかなあと探していたところ、Black Fridayの少し前になってASUS […]